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Choose your pricing plan

  • Annual Inspection

    Every month
    Make your life easier
    • Prescheduled Inspection
    • Monthly Autopayment Options
    • County Filed Inspection on your behalf
    • Annual Payment Option Available
    • Additional cost may apply for tank location and unearthing
  • Annual Inspection

    Every year
    Keep your life simple
    • Annual Inspection
    • County Filed Inspection on your bhalf
    • Annual Autopayment
    • Monthly Autopayment options available as well
    • Save $50 with an Annual Payment Plan
  • Maintenance

    Every month
    Regular pumping without a thought
    • Pumping scheduled every 3 years
    • Don't get hit with unexpected pumping charges.
    • Monthly Payment Plan
    • Annual payment plan also an option.
    • County filed report on your behalf.
    • Septic Inspection Sold Separately.
    • Additional Fee applies if tank needs to be located.
    • Additional Fee applies if tank needs to be unearthed.
    • No Refunds for early termination
  • Maintenance

    Every year
    Protect your septic without a care
    • Pumping scheduled every 3 years
    • Save $60 paying annually rather than monthly
    • Don't get hit with unexpected pumping charges.
    • Annual Payment Plan
    • Monthly Payment Plan also an option.
    • County filed report on your behalf.
    • Septic Inspection Sold Separately.
    • Additional Fee applies if tank needs to be located.
    • Additional Fee applies if tank needs to be unearthed.
    • No Refunds for early termination.
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